My source tree now only consists of the actual module, the test scripts, the Changes file, (yes, there is the README.pod, but that is generated by D::Z for github's benefit) and the dist.ini file for Dist::Zilla. This file contains the distribution metadata and the plugins / plugin configuation to be used in the build process.
name = PDL-IO-Export2D
version = 0.030
author = Joel Berger <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Joel Berger
abstract = Provides a convenient method for exporting a 2D piddle.
[ReadmeAnyFromPod / pod.root ]
filename = README.pod
type = pod
location = root
... yep thats all. It makes my other files (meta, readme, etc), it even puts the version number in the module file for me!
Now if I want to make a small change and publish it, all I need to do is make the change, increment the version number in dist.ini then do
dzil build
dzil test
and finally upload to PAUSE. Simple, convenient.