Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Batch convert PNG to EPS

I like to produce documents in LaTeX, but I like to get the output in PDF. Luckily there is pdflatex which does this quite nicely. Unfortunately latex (using eps images) and pdflatex (using many other formats) cannot use the same image files. Therefore as I am trying to publish a paper in a journal, and they want eps images, I need to convert all my png to eps.

In trying to find a converter that does this nicely, I have found many things that don't do it exactly right. However I found a script by Thomas Henlich that will use several converters and creates great output. You can get it from his site here.

To do all the rest of the dirty work of converting everything in one directory in png format to another in eps I created this script. You need to have perl to run the script. You need Henlich's script (in your $PATH) and you need its dependancies. Be sure that it is executable and follow its directions. Hopefully it helps.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Java 64bit plugin ... Update!

According to Petr Dvorak the 64 bit Java plugin has arrived! I haven't tried it yet as I don't have the time at the moment, however others have gotten it working.

See his directions here!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Linux installation for windows jocks

"This article will walk you, the Windows power user, through the Ubuntu installation process from downloading the CD image to finding help online. There are many guides available online, but most are written for total computer newbies or people already familiar with Linux. Most of the hang-ups that I experienced with Linux could have been easily overcome with simple Windows analogies."

Read on ...


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun with sound continued

So go online and find some audio clips in wav format. I got some from 2001 with HAL saying "I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that." From ssh you can play a sound on a remote computer with the command 'aplay filename.wav.'

Believe me it makes for a LOT of fun.

(PS posted from Jaunty, possibly the easiest and best upgrade I have ever had!)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Update - awaiting Jaunty

As I wait for Jaunty in week or so (ok I have tested the beta a little), I thought I should update my first post on my progress.

I now also have a Dell Studio 15, which has some basic hardware issues (why can't anything just work) which are not linux but hardware (the disk drive randomly ejects whenever it feels the urge); but I do love it and it worked with Intrepid as soon as I installed it (and the newest fglrx drivers by hand).

I still have my text only server and in fact I have gotten so good at that that I am running some VirtualBox text-only servers as testbeds for what I eventually use on my live site.

BTW VirtualBox is a great way to try out Ubuntu on your Windows machine without risking any problems to your computer. www.virtualbox.org

See you from a Jaunty system soon.

Great quote from symsysit


"For example, when you install Kubuntu Hardy and you have an Nvidia card, Ubuntu pops up and says “I see you have an Nvidia card, would you like to install the drivers for it?” You click yes and you’re on your way, with Lenny however you log into your system and there’s no such pop-up, so you say, “Lenny, I have an Nvidia card and I’d like to install it please”, to which Lenny promptly replies, “Well drop to console and work for it bitch!”"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

htop is tops

So if you have been doing your study on the command line you will have found that there are some "graphical" programs for the shell. One such program is "top" which is a dynamic process listing which tells you what is running and many other important bits of information in real time.

But its hard to use and even harder to customize. Instead try "htop" which is available in the repos

sudo apt-get install htop

Give it a whirl.

Friday, February 27, 2009


So I got a new computer, a Dell Studio 15, and of course immediately loaded Ubuntu on it. The most exciting thing for me though was getting the bluetooth working.

First let me recommend blueman as the connection manager as it is far more advanced (and easy) than gnome's default. Add the PPA to your sources and 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install blueman' .

Then to get it working, in your home directory create (or add to) '.asoundrc' :

pcm.bluetooth {
type bluetooth
device "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" #optional, connects to specific device instead the default one
profile "hifi" #optional, supported profiles are: auto, hifi and voice

this for the hifi sound on the bluetooth headset.

then run 'pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=bluetooth' to add the device to PulseAudio

Then 'sudo apt-get install padevchooser' and run it from the sound & video menu and then in the Volume Control section make the bluetooth device default

Now when you run a program (say VLC for example) the sound will come through the headphones.

Hope this helps someone out there, it works for me. :)